Open Access Policy

Open Access Policy

Overview of the Policy
The journal operates on a robust framework of policies and procedures pertaining to copyright, embracing an open access policy to promote the widespread dissemination of scholarly work.
Ahliya Journal of Business Technology and MEAN Economies adopts the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, which is subject to the principles of sharing and modification with attribution.

Sharing: Copying, distributing, and transmitting the work in any medium or format.
Modification: Remixing, transforming, and building upon the work.
For any purpose, including commercial, the licensor (the researcher in this case) cannot revoke these freedoms as long as they follow the terms of the license.

For users of this license:

Any user of the scientific material on Ahliya Journal of Business Technology and MEAN Economies must attribute the work to its owner in an appropriate manner (using the tools and documentation methods agreed upon and outlined in the author's guide), and provide a link to the license, and indicate if any changes have been made to the work. You can do this in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the author or licensor endorses you or your use.

No additional restrictions:
Any user of the scientific material on Ahliya Journal of Business Technology and MEAN Economies must not apply any legal terms or technological measures that restrict others from exercising the rights granted by the license.

Subscribe to the Journal
If you wish to subscribe to Ahliya Journal of Business Technology and MEAN Economies, kindly reach out to our journal management team via email at ( Please note that subscriptions to our esteemed journal are offered at no cost, and this invitation extends to all individuals, institutions, and universities.
Guidance for Librarians: We invite the staff of research libraries to consider adding this journal to their digital collections of scholarly publications. This journal, known for its comprehensive research and academic contributions, integrates seamlessly with the hosting site's system, designed to cater to library needs. It allows the efficient saving of member accounts, thereby enabling participation in the editorial board.
Guidance for Readers: We encourage our valued readers to stay connected with both our current and upcoming issues through the journal's official website or our social media platforms. The journal strives to foster a vibrant reading community as it directly contributes to our reach and reputation within the scientific arena.

Author Self-Archiving
Authors have permission and are urged to share their preprint manuscript, accepted manuscript, and published article (Version of Record) on personal and/or institutional websites and to archive them in institutional or funder repositories, ensuring enhanced public access. Include supplementary material when pertinent.
Once the manuscript has been accepted for publication author(s) are advised to update the status of their manuscript such as “This article has been accepted for publication in Ahliya Journal of Business Technology and MEAN Economies with an updated DOI.
Authors should provide a link from the deposited version to the URL of the Publisher’s website; For example: "The version of the record of this article, first published in Ahliya Journal of Business Technology and MEAN Economies, is available online at Publisher’s website.