Peer Review Policy

Peer Review Policy

Peer Review Policy – Ahliya Journal of Business Technology and MEAN Economies

Overview of the Policy
Our journal is built on well-defined policies and procedures that guide the review and arbitration of research papers, ultimately influencing the decision to publish or reject them. These procedures include mechanisms for implementing suggested revisions and for the eventual publication of accepted scientific manuscripts.

Paper Submission:
Authors submit their papers to the journal through the online submission system. The submission must follow the journal's guidelines for formatting and style found in our “author guidelines”. The submission system will generate an automatic tracking number that will be used throughout the peer review process. 
The formats of submissions:

  • Microsoft Word: This is a popular word-processing software that most authors are familiar with. Manuscripts submitted in Microsoft Word are easy to edit and can be converted into different file formats.
  • LaTeX: This is a typesetting system that is commonly used for scientific and mathematical publications. Manuscripts submitted in LaTeX are highly structured and can be easily converted into different file formats. They can use Overleaf.
  • PDF: This is a file format that preserves the formatting and layout of the document. Manuscripts submitted in PDF are easy to review and can be read on different devices. However, when the paper is accepted, the author/s has to send the source file in either Word (docx) or Latex format.

Any supporting material and data must be submitted via a trusted online link. To submit your supporting material and data, please follow the steps below:

  • Upload your supporting material and data to a secure and trusted online storage platform, such as Dropbox, Google Drive or One Drive.
  • Ensure that the access settings for the uploaded material and data are set to "public" or "viewable by anyone with the link."
  • Copy the link to the uploaded material and data.
  • Include the link in the cover letter of your manuscript submission or the "Supporting Material" section of the online submission form.
  • Please ensure that the submitted material and data do not exceed 10 GB and are in the standard accepted formats.

Editor Assignment:
Once the paper is submitted, the editor-in-chief assigns an associate editor who handles the manuscript throughout the peer review process. The associate editor is responsible for ensuring that the paper meets the journal's scope, quality standards, and formatting requirements. The associate editor must make an initial decision within 2 weeks of submission.

Initial Editorial Screening (Desk Review):
The assigned editors conduct editorial screening and desk review of the paper to ensure it meets the journal's scope, quality standards, and formatting requirements clarified in the peer review guidelines. If the paper does not meet the standards, the associate editor will reject the paper and notify the author within 2 weeks of submission. If the paper meets the standards, the associate editor moves the paper to the peer review process.

Peer Review:
If the paper meets the journal's standards, the associate editor sends the paper to at least two independent experts in the field for peer review. The peer reviewers are selected based on their expertise and qualifications in the paper's subject area. The journal must specify the maximum time for completing the review, which should not exceed 4 weeks.

Type of peer review:
For Ahliya Journal of Business Technology and MEAN Economies, the review process follows a 'double blind' approach, in which the reviewers who assess the manuscript remain anonymous to the author(s) throughout and after the review process, and the identity of the author(s) is also kept confidential from the reviewers.

Peer Review Reports:
The peer reviewers provide detailed feedback and comments on the paper's quality, originality, significance, methodology, results, and conclusions. They also provide comments on the paper's clarity, organization, and writing style. The peer reviewers use a standard evaluation form that is provided by the journal to provide their comments and recommendations. The associate editor collects the peer review reports and sends them to the author for revision within 2 weeks of receiving them.

Author Revision:
Based on the peer review reports, the author revises the paper and submits the revised version to the journal within 4 weeks. The author must provide a detailed response to each of the peer reviewer's comments and explain how the revisions address the issues raised. The author must also submit a revised abstract and keywords that reflect the revised paper.

Second Round of Peer Review:
If the associate editor determines that the revisions are substantial (Major Revisions) or the peer reviewers recommend a second round of review, the associate editor sends the paper back to the same or new reviewers for a second round of review. The associate editor may also seek additional peer reviews if necessary. The maximum time for completing the second round of review should not exceed 4 weeks.

Final Decision:
After the author submits the revised manuscript through the online system only, the associate editor conducts a final evaluation of the paper to ensure it meets the journal's quality standards. The associate editor may also seek additional peer reviews if necessary. The associate editor then makes a final decision on the paper, either accepting it for publication, requesting minor revisions, or rejecting it. The associate editor must make a final decision within 2 weeks of receiving the revised paper.

If the paper is accepted, it goes through the copyediting and proofreading process before publication in the journal. The author is responsible for ensuring that the final manuscript meets the journal's formatting and style guidelines. The maximum time for publishing the accepted paper should not exceed 12 weeks from the final decision.

The peer review process is confidential. The identities of the peer reviewers and the authors are kept confidential throughout the review process to ensure unbiased evaluations. The associate editor and the editorial staff must maintain the confidentiality of the peer review.