Using an Interactive Learning Model of Teaching Physics Labs Due to Corona Virus




Due to the corona virus pandemic, with a problem has emerged with courses that need practical laboratories, such as physics, chemistry and biology, as they cannot be applied   remotely. Therefore, in this research, we aimed to develop an educational and smart system for physics labs, which is considered one of the most difficult subjects. This paper identifies how augmented reality can be used to teach the physics labs remotely and proposes a mobile application using the augmented reality technique to teach students the physics labs by using mobile technologies. The application provides all the options to conduct the experiments of the physics lab 1 and 2 courses. Through a usable graphical interface and augmented reality technique, the student enters the mobile app then chooses any experiments that he/she wants to practice and finally, the results are recorded. Furthermore, the students can repeat the experiments several times to improve their knowledge and skills. This application forms a basic step in the educational lab teaching in the higher education, and which can be improved to be compatible with more smart devices and applicable to more labs than physics.


E-Lab, Smart Phone, Augmented Reality, Corona


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How to Cite

Sobeih, A. ., Shaheen, R. ., & Aşiksoy, G. . (2024). Using an Interactive Learning Model of Teaching Physics Labs Due to Corona Virus. Journal of Palestine Ahliya University for Research and Studies, 3(2), 58–70.


