Artificial Intelligence Techniques and Their Role in Enhancing the Competitive Advantage of Palestinian Schools




This study aimed to identify artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and their role in enhancing competitive advantage in Palestinian schools. Researchers used a sequential explanatory design, conducting unstructured interviews with experts to develop the questionnaire, followed by structured interviews to interpret the results. A simple random sample of 272 teachers from the Al-Hussein Educational Cluster in Hebron was selected. The study revealed a statistically significant relationship between AI technologies and competitive advantage in the schools. Key areas for improvement included the quality of educational services, creativity, innovation, responsiveness to teachers' needs, and efficiency. Recommendations included increased investment in digital infrastructure, teacher training, and specialized AI research and development programs. The study also emphasized strategic planning, data protection, stakeholder cooperation, and clear ethical policies. Effective use of AI was concluded to significantly enhance the competitiveness and quality of education in Palestinian schools. This study is a valuable scientific contribution in the field of enhancing competitive advantage. Its results indicate the importance of artificial intelligence technologies in enhancing competitive advantage in Palestinian schools.


Artificial Intelligence, Competitive Advantage, Palestinian Schools


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How to Cite

Iwadi, I., Ali, D. ., & Jabari, M. . (2024). Artificial Intelligence Techniques and Their Role in Enhancing the Competitive Advantage of Palestinian Schools. Journal of Palestine Ahliya University for Research and Studies, 3(2), 120–135.


