The Distribution of Financial Wealth and Its Impact on Enhancing Women's Role in Economic Development


  • Sohail Al-Ahmad Palestine Ahliya University (Palestine)
  • Ahmad Asad The Islamic Finance Learning Centre (BIBF) (Bahrain)



This study examines the distribution of financial wealth and its impact on enhancing women's role in economic development. The primary aim is to explore the reality of development, the distribution of financial wealth, its nature, objectives, and how these factors enable women to achieve economic development when granted rightful access to financial resources under specific conditions, rules, and frameworks. The study addresses key principles and scenarios influencing this relationship, highlighting the recognition of women's entitlement to financial wealth and the rules governing its distribution. It was found that a woman's position in cases of entitlement significantly impacts her share, its limits, and strength. Moreover, the study identifies several scenarios in which women are entitled to financial wealth: some based solely on obligation, others through agnatic inheritance, and yet others through inheritance alongside agnates, with details varying across these cases. The originality of this study lies in elucidating the relationship between financial wealth distribution and the enhancement of women’s economic status, shedding light on how financial policies can contribute to achieving comprehensive economic development.


Financial Wealth, Women’s Status, Wealth Distribution, Economic Development, Sustainable Development


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How to Cite

Al-Ahmad, S., & Asad, A. (2024). The Distribution of Financial Wealth and Its Impact on Enhancing Women’s Role in Economic Development. Journal of Palestine Ahliya University for Research and Studies, 3(3), 157–176.


