Assessing the Level of Job Engagement among Employees in Major Municipalities in the Gaza Strip


  • Shaban Sabbah The Political and Moral Guidance Authority (Palestine)



The aim of this study was to explore the reality of Job engagement and its components (job involvement, job satisfaction, and job enthusiasm) from the perspective of employees in the major municipalities in the Gaza Strip. The descriptive-analytical approach was used, with a study population of 2,714 employees. The sample consisted of 336 employees selected through stratified random sampling. A questionnaire was used as a data collection tool, and 227 questionnaires were retrieved, representing 75.89% of the study sample. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS software to obtain the results. The study revealed several findings, the most prominent of which was the presence of Job engegement in the major municipalities in the Gaza Strip at a high level, with a rate of 71.7%. The study recommended that municipal management involve employees in decision-making processes and encourage them to contribute ideas and suggestions that contribute to work development through various competitions. It also recommended that municipal management pay more attention to the work environment, create a well-prepared environment, provide financial incentives in addition to motivational incentives, and provide opportunities for employees to attend training courses to enhance job satisfaction. Furthermore, the study emphasized the importance of addressing the psychological aspects of employees by designing stimulating programs aimed at increasing enthusiasm and dedication to work, as well as promoting cooperative work through organizing informative and educational seminars to ensure the continuous provision of services to the community.


Job Engagement, Major Municipalities, Gaza Strip


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How to Cite

Sabbah, S. (2023). Assessing the Level of Job Engagement among Employees in Major Municipalities in the Gaza Strip. Journal of Palestine Ahliya University for Research and Studies, 2(3), 67–96.


