The Effectiveness of Using AFO with Stroke in Developing Functional Performance


  • Azzam Alarab Faculty Allied Medical Health Sciences, Palestine Ahliya University (Palestine)
  • Rana Alhaj Faculty Allied Medical Health Sciences, Palestine Ahliya University (Palestine)
  • Mohammad Hammad Faculty Allied Medical Health Sciences, Palestine Ahliya University (Palestine)



The study goal is to find out the impact of using AFO on balance, gait, and daily life activity of chronic stroke patients. Single case experimental design study. The case study focuses on patients who have a chronic CVA, one patient will undergo the AFO, then be assessed by measurement and tests regarding balance by the Berg Balance Scale, gait by Wisconsin Gait Scale and ADL by Barthel Index for two weeks before dressing AFO and after dressing it. The findings show that there is a clear significance in scores which resulted for the patient pre and post using AFO, the balance score for the patient before using AFO was 26/56 but after it shows a better result it was 40/56 ,and the ADL score for the patient before wearing AFO was 40/100 , after using AFO it becomes 75/100, also the gait improve clearly in stance phase and swings as measurement shows, therefore it was concluded that the AFO is very good for stroke patients to improve their balance , gait, and ADLs. The study concluded that the use of orthotics has a good effect on balance, gait, and ADLs. This single-case experimental design study explores the impact of ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) on balance, gait, and activities of daily living (ADLs) in chronic stroke patients. Findings indicate significant improvements in balance, gait, and ADL scores after two weeks of AFO use. The study underscores the effectiveness of AFO in enhancing functional outcomes and highlights its value in stroke rehabilitation.


Ankle Foot Orthosis, Balance, Gait, Activity of Daily Living, Stroke


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How to Cite

Alarab, A. ., Alhaj, R., & Hammad, M. (2022). The Effectiveness of Using AFO with Stroke in Developing Functional Performance. Journal of Palestine Ahliya University for Research and Studies, 1(2), 67–75.


