The Nature of The Relationship Between Palestinian Human Rights Institutions and Media


  • Haneen Alhilo Media and Communication, Arab American University (Palestine)
  • Abdallah Adway Communication and Media, American International Theism University (United States)



This study aims to reveal the nature of the relationship between Palestinian human rights institutions and the media, to understand the relationships between these institutions and the media. This study used the descriptive analytical approach, which seeks to describe, monitor and analyze the nature of the relationship between Palestinian human rights institutions and the media, by collecting data using the quantitative approach represented by the questionnaire tool that was distributed to 83 Palestinian human rights institutions. The study concluded that the nature of the relationship between Palestinian human rights institutions and media was dominated by participatory and their interest in disseminating their news via media, by making information available to media, there are 49% of the institutions, In addition to 43% of them allowing the media to access information freely, and 38% of them shares with media various topics that to cover. On the other hand, there was a weakness in media relations in terms of interaction with the media. The relationship focused on the institutions’ interest in publishing their news only, as 40% of human rights institutions are not keen on holding meetings with media institutions, and 39% of them do not participate in media Organizations activities. The study contributed to understanding the nature of the relationship of human rights institutions with the media, in light of the lack of studies that studied this subject, in addition to helping those working in public relations in human rights institutions to improve their communication performance.


Human Rights Organizations, Media Relations, Media, Relationship


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How to Cite

Alhilo, H. ., & Adway, A. . (2024). The Nature of The Relationship Between Palestinian Human Rights Institutions and Media. Journal of Palestine Ahliya University for Research and Studies, 3(1), 60–78.


