The Continuing Palestinian Divide Has Affected Corruption in Palestine


  • Mohammad kmail Faculty of Law, Palestine Ahliya University (Palestine)
  • Ihab khalayla Faculty of Law, Palestine Ahliya University (Palestine)


The research dealt with the legislative treatment of corruption offenses in Palestinian legislation and their purely penal nature and the role of the political system in prevailing corruption in light of the prevalence of financial and administrative corruption in State institutions and facilities, The research found that the continued political divide in the Palestinian system exacerbated the phenomenon, owing to the lack of oversight role of the oversight bodies, especially in the event of the disruption of the Legislative Council in which corruption appears to be an essential factor adversely affecting all aspects of life, The research therefore recommends that political will should be given the seriousness necessary to end the Palestinian division and take all necessary steps to improve the opportunities for transparency and accountability in all State facilities for the benefit of society and to build a stable legal State. The authenticity of the research lies in addressing the legal challenges that have arisen in Palestinian legislation in confronting the widespread corruption issues amidst significant political division.


Political system, Anti-Corruption, Legislative Council, Political Division, Accountability


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How to Cite

kmail , M., & khalayla, I. (2024). The Continuing Palestinian Divide Has Affected Corruption in Palestine. Journal of Palestine Ahliya University for Research and Studies. Retrieved from


