The impact of electronic payment methods on improving the quality of banking services in the Bethlehem and Hebron governorates from the perspective of their employees


  • Salem Salem Faculty of Business and Economics, Palestine Technical University-Khadouri (Palestine)
  • Mohamad Sid Ahmad Faculty of Business and Economics, Palestine Technical University-Khadouri (Palestine)



This study aimed to identify the impact of electronic payment methods on the quality of banking services in banks operating in the Palestinian territories. The researchers relied on primary data (questionnaire) distributed to banks operating in the cities of Bethlehem and Hebron. The researchers used multiple regression analysis to determine the impact of electronic payment methods on the quality of banking services provided to customers by Palestinian banks. The study showed statistically significant positive effects between the development of various electronic payment methods in Palestinian banks and the quality of their banking services. Finally, the study recommends the continuous development of electronic payment methods and the innovation of new electronic payment means in banks, due to their positive impact on the quality of banking services provided in the Palestinian territories. The originality of the study lies in being the first of its kind in Palestine to examine the impact of developing and updating various electronic payment methods in Palestinian banks on the quality of their banking services provided to customers.


Electronic Payment Methods, Palestinian Banks, Banking Service Quality, Instability


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How to Cite

Salem, S. ., & Sid Ahmad, M. . (2024). The impact of electronic payment methods on improving the quality of banking services in the Bethlehem and Hebron governorates from the perspective of their employees. Ahliya Journal of Business Technology and MEAN Economies, 1(1), 81–92.


