Challenges Facing Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management: A Case Study of Al-Istiqlal University
This study aimed to identify the challenges associated with the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in human resource management. The problem arises from the fact that AI introduces a new reality that may lead to significant changes in the work environment, accompanied by numerous challenges and obstacles to its implementation in universities. To achieve the study’s objectives, the researcher employed interviews with a purposively selected sample of academics. The study follows a descriptive-analytical qualitative methodology. Key findings indicate that AI relies on training neural networks tailored to the specific environment in which it will be applied. Hence, experts in AI applications are required in human resources or computer centers, and AI must be designed and implemented based on the institution's standards rather than relying on external, incompatible models, a process that requires substantial expertise and effort. The researcher also identified several gaps, including differences in laws, regulations, and legislations used to train AI systems, disparities in employee capabilities at different levels, a lack of training programs and AI specialists, and insufficient budgets to support such applications. The originality of the study lies in addressing a contemporary challenge—applying AI in human resource management within universities—while focusing on practical gaps such as legal disparities, employee capabilities, shortages of specialists, and financial resources. The study adds value by emphasizing the need for AI applications to be customized according to institutional standards to enhance their effectiveness and sustainability.
Challenges, Artificial Intelligence, Human Resource Management, Al-Istiqlal UniversityReferences
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