The Libyan Language in The Maghreb During the Ancient Era Between Roots, Development and Continuity
This research paper talks about the Libyan language, which before it took on the name “Amazigh” today, was known as Libyan during the ancient period, in reference to the entire Maghreb region that Herodotus called Libya and the inhabitants Libyans. Our study of the Libyan language aims to introduce it, and form an idea about its roots, the development it has witnessed since its emergence, and its continuity to the present time. This is done by addressing its definition and knowing its place within the tree of linguistic families, as an Afrasi (Hamitic-Semitic) language, then the space it occupied on the tongue of speakers of the ancient era in the Maghreb, as well as the multiplicity of its linguistic vocabulary, whether at the level of proper names or places, which created Libyan dialects that remain in use throughout the Maghreb countries from ancient times to the Middle Ages and the present period. To prove its existence as a linguistic, cultural and civilizational component for the inhabitants of the Maghreb region, there is no evidence of its existence other than its translation into alphabetical letters and its continued pronunciation to this day, along with all the languages that came to the region. This is what requires us today to preserve it as a cultural heritage and a cultural component of the entire Maghreb region.
Libyan language, Afrasi, The ancient Maghreb, Libyan DialectsDownloads
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