Degree of Government School Principals' Practice of Technological Leadership in the Directorate of Education\ North Hebron from the Teachers' Perspective
The study aimed to identify the degree to which government school principals' practice technological leadership in the Directorate of Education\ North Hebron from the point of view of teachers, as the study population consisted of (2273) male and female teachers, including (1013) male and (1260) male teachers. The study sample was a simple random sample of (132) male and female teachers. The researchers used the questionnaire as a tool for their study, and it consisted of (22) items. The results of the study indicate that the degree to which government school principals’ practice technological leadership in the Directorate of Education/North Hebron from the teachers’ point of view on the overall score came in at a moderate degree, with an arithmetic average of (3.34). The results also indicated that there were no apparent differences in the degree of practicing technological leadership depending on the variables of the study: gender, years of experience, and educational qualification. The researchers recommended involving public school principals in training courses on the concept of technological leadership, its fields, and how to employ technology in this, and providing technological support to schools. The originality of this study lies in its focus on the topic of technological leadership within the Directorates of Education in Palestine in general, and specifically in North Hebron, as it represents an innovative and practical step implemented by the Ministry of Education.
Technological leadership, School Principals, Directorate of Education\ North HebronReferences
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