Financial Challenges Facing Higher Education and Ways to Address Them from the Perspective of Academic Leaders in Palestinian Universities (An-Najah National University Case Study)


  • Shadi Khaled Qashoua PhD, Educational Administration, Arab American University (Palestine)
  • Tariq Elias Ayar PhD, Educational Administration, Arab American University (Palestine)



The study aimed to identify the financial challenges facing higher education in Palestinian universities from the perspective of academic leaders at An-Najah National University. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher employed the descriptive-analytical method and used a questionnaire as the study tool for data collection. The study population consisted of all academic leaders at An-Najah University, totaling 750 individuals, with the study being applied to a random sample of 200 academic leaders. The results of the study indicated that the financial challenges facing higher education in Palestinian universities, from the perspective of academic leaders at An-Najah National University, were perceived as highly significant. Additionally, the study showed no statistically significant differences at the significance level (α≥0.05) regarding the financial challenges facing higher education in Palestinian universities based on the variables of gender, academic rank, and years of experience. The results also revealed that the solutions to address these financial challenges were perceived as highly effective, with no statistically significant differences at the significance level (α≥0.05) in the perceived solutions based on the variables of gender, academic rank, and years of experience. The study recommended the need for increased government support for universities from the state. What distinguishes this study is the vitality and importance of the topic in academic and educational work, as it addresses an issue related to university funding—an issue that cannot be overlooked in university policies, educational planning, and budget preparation. Without addressing it, university operations are likely to fail. Therefore, the researchers sought to shed light on the financial challenges faced by universities in Palestine.


Challenges, Financial Challenges, Education Finance, Higher Education


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How to Cite

Qashoua, S. K. ., & Ayar, T. E. . (2024). Financial Challenges Facing Higher Education and Ways to Address Them from the Perspective of Academic Leaders in Palestinian Universities (An-Najah National University Case Study). Journal of Palestine Ahliya University for Research and Studies, 3(3), 111–134.


