Emotional Education of the Child from an Islamic Perspective: A Proposed Vision





This study attempted to investigate the Islamic vision of the emotional education depending on Quran, Sunnah, and the other Islamic sources. There are many studies that indicated a clear issue in emotional education of child although its importance. Thus, the present study used the descriptive method through analyzing previous studies and educational literature to identify the meaning and dimensions of emotional education, the Islamic view of emotional education considering the holy Quran and Sunnah, its concept, objectives, basics, sources, institutions, and analyzing the applications of emotional education in child’s education. Results identified the emergent ways to develop child’s emotional education according to the basics of Islamic perspective. This study could be important according to the importance of its topics and the problem face the emotional education considering the threats it faces as cultural invasion through internet applications and the new media revolution. There is a critical need to put vision according to the Islamic vision considering the balanced and integrative vision of Islam.


Emotional Education, Quran, Sunnah, Child’s Education


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How to Cite

Kotb , K. (2024). Emotional Education of the Child from an Islamic Perspective: A Proposed Vision. Journal of Palestine Ahliya University for Research and Studies, 3(3), 177–198. https://doi.org/10.59994/pau.2024.3.177


