Strategies of Palestinian Resisting Poetic Speech Guidance and Convincingness


  • Fouad Suliman Faculty of Arts, Palestine Ahliya University (Palestine)



The challenges evolving within the Palestinian context compel the resistance poet to formulate novel strategies in response to the oppressive practices of Israeli occupation. As such, the poet's role becomes increasingly critical and fraught with danger, magnified by the harrowing conditions of living within occupied territories or in exile. Consequently, the poet relies on two primary strategies: Guidance and Persuasiveness within their poetic discourse. They aim to confront the shifts and changes impacting the Palestinian context and resist the occupation's policies designed to dominate thought and culture and undermine the Palestinian cause and the right of return. These strategies are of utmost importance: they guide the reader, convince them, and serve as a reminder. They also protect against the risk of being subsumed within the occupation's culture. Thus, the resistant poem comes to encompass aspects of cultural, psychological, and political resistance. This is a response to the vast and escalating conflict with the occupier, who seeks to distort people's beliefs and principles. This study will examine the features of each strategy, illustrating examples from resistance poetry. It will explore the linguistic relationships and devices used in both strategies, examining their influence on meaning. The effective use of evidence and arguments to guide, convince, and deepen understanding is critical. Therefore, the resistance poet must proceed with caution, meticulously selecting linguistic tools that resonate with the situation and context at hand.


Strategy, Poetic discourse, Palestinian resistance poetry


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How to Cite

Suliman, . F. (2022). Strategies of Palestinian Resisting Poetic Speech Guidance and Convincingness. Journal of Palestine Ahliya University for Research and Studies, 1(1), 93–109.


