The Degree of employing the dimensions of digital leadership in government schools in Irbid governorate from principals' perspective


  • Ragda Bataineh 1 PhD Educational Administration, Yarmouk University (Jordan)
  • Ali Alsandi PhD Educational Administration, The Islamic University of Minnesota (Bahrain)
  • Salam Alrousan PhD Educational Administration, Yarmouk University(Jordan)



The study examined the extent of employing digital leadership dimensions in government schools in Irbid governorate from the principals' perspective. The researchers employed a descriptive-analytical approach, and a sample of 50 individuals was randomly selected. A questionnaire comprising 26 items distributed on four axes was developed: the axis of vision and planning, the axis of innovation, the axis of professional practices of school leaders, and the axis of digital culture.

The results revealed that all domains scored at a moderate level, and the employment of digital leadership dimensions in government schools in Irbid, from the perspective of principals as a whole, was found to be at a moderate level. The results also showed statistically significant differences in the means of the study sample's perceptions regarding the employment of digital leadership dimensions in government schools in Irbid from the principals' perspective. These differences were attributed to gender (favouring females) and years of service (11 years or more).

The researchers concluded with a set of recommendations, including the importance of providing financial and moral support to educational leaders who apply digital leadership in their schools to encourage others to do the same, conducting workshops and training courses for educational leaders to enhance leadership practices in the digital realm, and the necessity of conducting further research and studies on the impact of digital leadership dimensions to generate more recommendations that can enhance the role of government schools in fulfilling their duties and objectives.

The study recommends that it is necessary for principals to be more aware of digital technologies, and able to use and apply them in effectively leading and managing their schools and develop education.


Digital leadership, Principals, government schools, Jordan




How to Cite

Bataineh, R. ., Alsandi, A., & Alrousan, S. (2023). The Degree of employing the dimensions of digital leadership in government schools in Irbid governorate from principals’ perspective. Journal of Palestine Ahliya University for Research and Studies, 2(2), 101–128.


