Evaluation of Diagnostic Accuracy of Abdominal Ct Scans by Assessment of Image Quality and Confidence


  • Khaled Sabarna Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences, Palestine Aliya University (Palestine)
  • Mysara Rumman Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences, Palestine Aliya University (Palestine)
  • Maryam Hamad Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences, Palestine Aliya University (Palestine)
  • Mayssa Assaf Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences, Palestine Aliya University (Palestine)
  • Lana Adileh Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences, Palestine Aliya University (Palestine)
  • Hadeel Bilbese Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences, Palestine Aliya University (Palestine)




The study's objective is to assess the diagnostic accuracy and image quality of the abdomen CT scan by the recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. As a result, research that can be quantified and measured is done on a representative sample. The CTDIvol data was gathered over three months at the Al Makkased Islamic Charitable Society Hospital in Jerusalem from 123 CT adult belly exams. The study's findings suggest that, in comparison to many other hospitals throughout the world, Al-Makkased hospitals are using the belly examination more frequently. The samples were contrasted with the ICRP's global reference value. Two radiologists were supplied samples with low CTDIvol levels to assess the picture quality and confidence. The study report It was discovered that whereas 39% of the low CTDIvol samples did not affect the picture quality, 61% of the remaining samples did. The first radiologist reported a picture quality of 77% and a certainty of 91%; the second reported a picture quality of 79% and a certainty of 90%. The study discovered that the CT belly examination's CTDIvol was higher than the ICRP's global reference value, that 57 out of 123 samples had low CTDIvol, and that their proportion was 46%. This analysis does not include Japan. The overall picture quality was judged to be fair, while diagnostic certainty was found to be outstanding. Findings highlight discrepancies in radiation dose levels and underscore the importance of balancing dose reduction with diagnostic efficacy, contributing to improved imaging practices and patient safety.


Image Quality CTDIvol, Computed Tomography, Diagnostic Confidence, Radiation Dose


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How to Cite

Sabarna, K., Rumman, M., Hamad, M. ., Assaf, M. ., Adileh, L., & Bilbese, H. (2022). Evaluation of Diagnostic Accuracy of Abdominal Ct Scans by Assessment of Image Quality and Confidence. Journal of Palestine Ahliya University for Research and Studies, 1(2), 86–99. https://doi.org/10.59994/pau.2022.2.86


