The Role of Teaching Texts in Developing the Literary Appreciation Skill of Arabic Learners in Secondary Education


  • Abdelilah Lakhzaz Faculty of Educational Sciences, Mohammed V University in Rabat (Morocco)
  • Abdelkarim Maizou Faculty of Educational Sciences, Mohammed V University in Rabat (Morocco)



This study aimed to determine the role of teaching texts in developing the skill of artistic appreciation among Arabic language learners in the secondary school. The study sample consisted of sixty teachers, and we distributed to them a questionnaire consisting of three items: the first item was concerned with the type of texts and how to choose them, the second item focused on teaching texts, and the third item was related to evaluation and support. After transcribing the results of the questionnaire using the statistical program (SPSS), the results were processed and discussed using the descriptive analytical method. Among the findings of the study are: that Arabic language books in secondary school do not suit the learners’ mental perceptions, are not open to their environment, and do not keep pace with the developments of the times, and that many of the pictures next to the texts do not express their content. Poetic texts constitute the most difficult types for learners to understand compared to narrative and functional texts. The scientific value of the study lies in providing a vision to address the problem of learners’ reception of literary texts in relation to the methodology of presenting and teaching them. And increasing awareness of the most important elements that make today’s learner not want to read literary texts, feel their artistic and linguistic aesthetics, and invest in the values that they rely on.


Didactics, Texts, Artistic Taste, Arabic Language, Secondary School


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How to Cite

Lakhzaz, A. ., & Maizou, A. . (2024). The Role of Teaching Texts in Developing the Literary Appreciation Skill of Arabic Learners in Secondary Education. Journal of Palestine Ahliya University for Research and Studies, 3(1), 32–59.


