The Role of Agile Management in Achieving Creativity among employees in Bank of Palestine


  • Reem Odeh Master, Faculty of Administrative and Finance Sciences, Palestine Ahliya University (Palestine)
  • Nasser Jaradat Faculty of Administrative and Finance Sciences, Palestine Ahliya University (Palestine)



The study aimed to identify the role of agile management in achieving creativity among Bank of Palestine employees, indicate the availability of agile management tools (worksite organization, standard work, six sims, continuous improvement, and multifunctional workers), and determine the extent of its ability to achieve creativity with its various dimensions (problem-solving, changeability, accepting risks, and encouraging creativity). The descriptive analytical approach was used to achieve the study's goals. Through this approach, a questionnaire consisting of (9) axes were developed. To collect the study data, the study population of (168) employees and administrators was targeted at the Bank of Palestine in the southern West Bank region. The sample of the study was (75), all of the questionnaires were retrieved and valid for analysis, and thus the recovery rate was (100 %). The researcher also conducted six interviews consisting of 15 questions with the Director of the Individual Business Department for branches and offices, branch managers, supervisors, and a number of employees in the Bank of Palestine included in the study. The study concluded with a set of results, the most important of which are: the dimensions of agile management are highly available in the Bank of Palestine, with main (3.47), and the dimensions of administrative creativity are also available in a high degree in Bank of Palestine, with main (3.51), the results also showed the existence of a positive and direct correlation between the dimensions of agile management and the factors of administrative creativity at the Bank of Palestine. The originality of the study lies in the importance of the topic as it is one of the modern topics in Palestine, and one of the rare studies that dealt with this topic, which is agile management and its role in achieving administrative creativity in application at the Bank of Palestine, when using modern administrative tools while creating a suitable climate for administrative creativity among employees contributes to maximizing value achieved for customers.


Agile management, Administrative Creativity, Bank of Palestine


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How to Cite

Odeh, R., & Jaradat, N. . (2024). The Role of Agile Management in Achieving Creativity among employees in Bank of Palestine. Journal of Palestine Ahliya University for Research and Studies, 3(1), 96–114.


