The Influence of Strategic Planning Methods on Crisis Management: A Case Study of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society Employees in Hebron




This study aims to examine the influence of practicing strategic planning methods on crisis management among employees of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society in Hebron. The explanatory sequential design was used, where unstructured interviews were conducted with experts and specialists to prepare a questionnaire, followed by structured interviews to interpret the results. A simple random sample was selected targeting all employees, totaling 339 employees, and 181 valid questionnaires were retrieved for analysis. The results showed that there was a statistically significant effect of practicing strategic planning methods on crisis management among employees, and the level of practicing strategic planning methods was moderate. The field of work area analysis ranked first in terms of the level of practicing strategic planning methods. The level of crisis management among employees was also moderate, with the field of learning ranking first in terms of the level of crisis management. The study concluded that the practice of strategic planning methods is important in enhancing the institution's ability to manage crises effectively. It also recommended that the Palestinian Red Crescent Society in Hebron focus on improving the level of practicing strategic planning and crisis management among its employees. In the context of the recommendations, the study pointed to the need to organize training programs for employees on how to practice strategic planning methods in crisis management, provide the necessary resources to improve the level of crisis management among employees, and conduct more studies on the influence of strategic planning methods on crisis management in various institutions. This study represents a valuable scientific contribution to the field of crisis management. Its results indicate the importance of practicing strategic planning methods in enhancing the ability of organizations to effectively manage crises.


Strategic Planning, Crisis Management, Palestinian Red Crescent Society, Hebron, Work Area Analysis


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How to Cite

Iwadi, I., & Ali, D. (2024). The Influence of Strategic Planning Methods on Crisis Management: A Case Study of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society Employees in Hebron. Journal of Palestine Ahliya University for Research and Studies, 3(1), 115–136.


