The Role of Strategic Planning in Promoting Institutional Reform and its Relationship to Achieving Good Governance Standards from the Point of View of Teachers


  • Athir Al Kouri Educational administration, Islamic University of Minnesota (Jordan)
  • Ali Alsandi Educational administration, Islamic University of Minnesota (Bahrain)



The study aimed to identify the role of strategic planning in promoting institutional reform and its relationship to achieving good governance standards from the point of view of teachers. The study followed the descriptive approach, and the study used two questionnaires in collecting its data. The first questionnaire: The role of strategic planning in promoting institutional reform, consisting of (18) paragraphs. It was divided into two areas: the level of strategic planning and achieving strategic planning objectives. The second questionnaire: achieving good governance standards, consisting of (9) paragraphs, and their validity and reliability were confirmed. The study sample consisted of (135) male and female teachers, who were selected randomly. The results of the study showed that the role of strategic planning in promoting institutional reform and its relationship to achieving good governance standards from the point of view of the study community was (medium) in all areas, as the arithmetic average for the field “The role of strategic planning in promoting institutional reform” was (2.92), and the average was 2.92. The calculation for the field of “achieving good governance standards” (2.76). The results of the study also showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the averages of the study sample’s estimates regarding the degree to which school principals practice leadership of change in promoting institutional reform and its relationship to achieving good governance standards from the point of view of teachers due to the gender variable. (Male Female), The results of the study also showed that there is a direct positive correlation at the level of significance (α≤0.05) between the degree of school principals’ practice of leading change in promoting institutional reform and its relationship to achieving the sustainable development process. The researchers recommended “continuing to renew, develop, and update programs and strategic planning continuously for the ability to predict crises and solve them before they escalate”. This study is a valuable scientific contribution to the field of strategic planning to promote institutional reform. Its results indicate the importance of the role of strategic planning in promoting institutional reform and its ability to achieve good governance standards.


Strategic Planning, Institutional Reform, Good Governance, Teachers, Government Schools


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How to Cite

Al Kouri, A., & Alsandi, A. (2024). The Role of Strategic Planning in Promoting Institutional Reform and its Relationship to Achieving Good Governance Standards from the Point of View of Teachers. Journal of Palestine Ahliya University for Research and Studies, 3(2), 136–152.


