The Chemistry of Poetry: A Study of Al-Dura'iyyat as a Model
The study aims to analyze poetry as possessing an interactive chemical quality and to view chemistry as having a poetic nature, applying this concept to the "Dura’iyyat" poems of Al-Ma'arri. These poems are believed to embody a unique poetic chemistry that reflects his vision and perspective on himself and his society. The study also seeks to highlight the representation of the shield based on the interplay of different elements, such as water and fire, to reveal the poetic truth of the shield, founded on the chemistry of emotions and the chemistry of elements within a strict poetic framework, akin to the rigid rules Al-Ma'arri imposed on himself and his poetry, and the reasons behind that. The study employs a descriptive-analytical method. The findings indicate that Al-Ma'arri developed a distinctive poetic language that mirrors his inner conflicts and preference for active values, using the "shield" as a symbol of protection and safety from societal discord and dangers. The "Dura’iyyat" are characterized as a transitional phase in his poetry, blending traditional elements with a return to the self, thereby deepening and renewing the meanings. The study recommends that literary criticism should embrace natural sciences, such as chemistry and physics, to gain a deeper understanding of poetry and explore the "Dura’iyyat" from perspectives beyond their apparent content and imagery. The study’s value and originality lie in its approach to examining poetic content from the perspective of poetic chemistry, focusing on the poet’s intent and accomplishment, as well as analyzing the formation of the shield's imagery based on the chemistry of natural elements associated with it, color chemistry, and emotions within a framework that is formally static yet internally dynamic.
Chemistry, Alchemy, Poetry, Dura’iyyat, Abu al-Ala Al-Ma'arriReferences
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