Inheritance of women in princely lands from a legal and legal perspective


  • Suhail Al-Ahmad Faculty of Law, Palestine Ahliya University (Palestine)
  • Alaa Al-Din Al-Sartawi Faculty of Arts, Palestine Ahliya University (Palestine)



This study dealt with the inheritance of women in the princely lands from a legal and legal perspective, aiming to identify the nature of this, through the statement of cases of inheritance of women from the legal and legal perspectives, where the concept of inheritance, princely land and the right of movement in these lands was identified, and the statement of the owners of the right of movement, as well as addressing the legal articles that discuss and discuss this and stand on its contents and contents, as it appeared that the beginning of legal legislation has been deprived The daughter from the full use of the princely lands, until the royal orders came in the Ottoman Empire to give girls as boys equally without differentiating  between male and female, and this is until Law No. (4) of 1991 AD was issued, which abolished the division contained in the Transition Law, and the princely lands became legally divided after the  issuance of this law, as of the date: 16/4/1991 AD, according to the details and readings dealt with in this research. This study provides a unique analysis of women's inheritance rights in princely lands, examining legal and historical perspectives. It traces the evolution of these rights from early marginalization to eventual legal reforms, notably Law No. (4) of 1991. Scrutinizing legal texts and historical contexts, it offers valuable insights


Inheritance, Women, Princely Land, Right of Transfer, Sharia, Law


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Legal References

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How to Cite

Al-Ahmad, S., & Al-Sartawi, A. A.-D. (2022). Inheritance of women in princely lands from a legal and legal perspective. Journal of Palestine Ahliya University for Research and Studies, 1(2), 20–31.


