Children Under International Public Humanitarian Law (Children of Palestine As A Model)


  • Mohammed Kmail Faculty of Law, Palestine Ahliya University (Palestine)



The study aimed to identify children under public international humanitarian law, and the children of Palestine as a model. The study followed the descriptive and analytical approach, and concluded that although the international community has taken great steps to protect children in armed conflicts and preserve their rights, millions of children still They are exposed to various types of killing and torture, especially the legal status of the children of Palestine and the killing, abuse and imprisonment of children they suffer from a state that claims democracy and its applications. Despite all the obligations that fall on Israel as an occupying state under international humanitarian law, the Palestinian National Authority bears the responsibility of following up on the affairs of Palestinian children. Especially detainees inside Israeli prisons. The study recommended the need to strengthen the protection established for children under international law related to armed conflict, deploy more international observers to protect the rights of children in areas experiencing armed conflict, and form joint working teams between international and regional organizations in order to provide information to the Security Council when grave violations against children occur. The study aimed to explore the reality of children within the framework of international humanitarian law, with a focus on the difficult situation of Palestinian children, as international efforts to protect the rights of children in armed conflicts still suffer from a deficiency, especially with regard to Palestinian children living under Israeli occupation, which It requires strengthening legal procedures to protect them and guarantee their rights under international laws.


Children, International Law, Children of Palestine


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How to Cite

Kmail, M. (2022). Children Under International Public Humanitarian Law (Children of Palestine As A Model). Journal of Palestine Ahliya University for Research and Studies, 1(2), 32–53.


